Report on the Work of the Government Release time: 2024-02-07Source: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION OF SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY

Fellow deputies,


On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, I now present a report to the Congress on the work of the Government for your deliberation and for comments from  members   of  the  Shanghai  Municipal  Committee  of  the  Chinese  People’s

Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and other non-voting delegates.

I.   Review of the Government’s Work in 2023

Over the past year, following the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we have fully implemented the key message of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Second Plenary  Session  of  the  20th  CPC  Central  Committee,  earnestly  delivered  on  the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important remarks made on his inspection tours in Shanghai, and resolutely acted on the decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, we have adhered to the general principle of seeking  progress  while  maintaining  stability,  deepened  high-standard  reform  and opening-up, and promoted high-quality development with a focus on enhancing the city’s capacity and core competitiveness, achieving on the whole the targets for the  year set out by the First Session of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress.

Over the past year, Shanghai’s economic and social development has made progress and  moved  towards   a  positive   direction  while  maintaining   stability.  First,   the economic performance has recovered steadily. The municipal GDP reached around 4.72 trillion yuan, a growth of 5%. The general public budget revenue went up by  9.3%. The CPI rose by 0.3%. The surveyed urban unemployment rate averaged 4.5%.

Second, new growth drivers have been steadily developed. The total output from strategic emerging industries accounted for 43.9% of that from industrial enterprises above designated size. The output of the three leading industries, namely integrated circuit (IC), biomedicine and artificial intelligence (AI), totaled 1.6 trillion yuan. Total R&D expenditure reached around 4.4% of the city’s GDP. The number of high-value invention patents per  10,000 people rose to 50.2. Third, the dividends of reform and  opening-up  have  been  unleashed  steadily.  The  value  of international  trade stood at 4.2 trillion yuan, registering an increase of 0.7%. Paid-in FDI reached a new historical record of 24.09 billion US dollars. The turnover of financial markets grew by   15%   to   3,373.6   trillion   yuan.   65   regional   headquarters   of   multinational corporations and 30 foreign-invested R&D centers were added, bringing the totals to 956  and  561  respectively.  Shanghai  has  certified  the  first  40  headquarters  of companies designated as innovation leaders in their respective industries. Fourth, people’s  well-being  has  been  steadily  improved.  Per  capita  disposable  income  amounted to 85,000 yuan, increasing by 6.6%, faster than GDP growth. 87.7% of the  days throughout the year were rated either excellent or good on the air quality index (AQI), up by 0.6 percentage points. The number of parks increased by 162 to 832 last  year.


Over the past year, we have carried out our work in the following areas:


1. We have remained steadfast in deepening reform and opening-up, and made  solid progress in major national strategies and tasks.


Upgraded  version  of  the  “Five  Centers”  Initiative:  The  overall   strength  of Shanghai  as  an  international  economic  center  has  been  bolstered.  We  have accelerated the development of a modern industrial system underpinned by the real economy, and drawn up policy measures to foster the R&D industry, and to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector and specialized industrial parks. Policies in support of innovation have been put into effect in such areas as  vehicle chips, synthetic biology, large AI models, intelligent robots, shipbuilding and  marine engineering equipment, commercial spaceflight and online new economy. The construction of 58 major industrial projects each worth more than one billion yuan kicked off. C919, China’s first homegrown large passenger jet, started its commercial flight, while the first made-in-China cruise ship also set sail on its commercial voyage.Shanghai  has  been  further  opened  up   as   an  international  financial   center.

Another 47 licensed financial institutions were added, making the total to 1,771. The Shanghai International Reinsurance Exchange and the Swap Connect were officially launched.  The  Shanghai  Equity  Exchange  was  given  the  green  light  to  pilot subscription right services. A number of new financial products including 30-year China government bond futures, freight index futures, alumina futures, SSE STAR Market 50 ETF options started their trading. The city’s outstanding deposits and loans exceeded  20  trillion  yuan   and   11  trillion  yuan  respectively.   Shanghai’s  global connectivity   as    an   international   trade    center   has    been   reinforced.   The establishment of China’s first Silk Road E-commerce Pilot Zone got the go-ahead. We have intensified our efforts in integrating domestic and foreign trade. The National Commodity Warrant Registration  Center launched  online registration  in  Shanghai. China’s first yuan-settled LNG trade and digital yuan-settled crude oil transaction were  completed  with   success.  Shanghai’s  status  as  an  international  shipping center has been fortified. We started the construction of the north port operation area of Xiaoyangshan and the Shanghai East Railway Station known as the Oriental Hub. More function institutions including the new representative office of the International Chamber of Shipping were opened in Shanghai. Shanghai Port’s container throughput  reached 49.158 million TEUs, ranking the first globally for  14  consecutive  years.

Shanghai’s capacity in nurturing original innovation as an international sci-tech innovation   center   has   become    more   prominent.   We   have    completed   the construction of and put into operation Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility Phase II   and   the   Live   Cell   Imaging   Facility,   and   began   the   construction   of   the magneto-inertial  fusion  energy  project. National  labs  and  bases  in  Shanghai  have received better services and stronger support. High-level research institutes such as  Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences and Shanghai AI  for  Science  (SAIS)  were   inaugurated.  We  have   initiated  campaigns  aiming  for breakthroughs in key technologies of metaverse, blockchain, and high temperature superconductivity. Seven high-quality incubators were unveiled. We have refined the intellectual  property  pledge   financing  mechanism.  Technology   contracts  reached  485.02 billion yuan in value, and the number of high-tech companies exceeded 24,000.

The  “Five  Centers”  Initiative  has  been  empowered  by  the  city’s  efforts  in attracting and retaining talents. The Talent Peak Project and the special program to attract and nurture talents in key industries continued to make headway. We have driven forward the pilot reform on the evaluation of scientists and researchers. The Shanghai Global Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held with success. Foreign talents have found it increasingly convenient to get their residence  permits and are more and more satisfied with their life in the city.


Deepened development of Pudong as a leading area of socialist modernization:

After a thorough review of the development experience over the past decade, we have  implemented the  strategy to upgrade the China  (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone  (FTZ). The General Planfor Advancing Institutional Opening-up of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in Alignment with High-standard International Economic and  Trade Rules,  which  includes  80  policy  measures,  was  promulgated.  The  Pudong  comprehensive pilot reform plan and the list of the first batch of authorized items  have been approved and put into effect. We have implemented the 33 national pilot  measures for FTZ institutional opening-up. A number of major opening-up measures  have been adopted in an accelerated manner, including expanding the use of digital  yuan,  facilitating  cross-border  corporate   financing,   and  completing   China’s  first  ship-to-ship bonded LNG bunkering. We have improved the public service platform  for  the  open  competition  mechanism  to  select  the  best  candidates  among  other  collaborative  innovation  mechanisms.  We  have  moved  faster  to  explore  granting  temporary licenses to overseas practitioners. 126 new headquarters of various types and  25  open  innovation  centers  of  large-scale  enterprises  have  been  set  up.   18 regulations and 22 management measures have been promulgated  for the Pudong New Area.

Continuous implementation of the “three major tasks” : We have announced a new round  of municipal  level  supporting  policies  for  the  Lingang  Special  Area.  The expansion  of  the  Yangshan  Special  Comprehensive  Bonded  Zone  Phase  III  was approved.  We  have  carried  out  over   100  major  industrial  projects  with  a  total investment  of  100  billion  yuan.  The  total  output  of  industrial  enterprises  above designated size and fixed asset investment grew by 22.5% and  10.3% respectively. The STAR Market has seen its functions enhanced, and Shanghai-based companies, compared with those from other parts of China, boast the largest amount of funds raised  through  initial  public  offering   (IPO)  and  market  capitalization.  We  have undertaken 21 key  cooperation  initiatives  for the integrated  development  of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), as well as 28 joint sci-tech innovation and research projects.  The  Yangtze  River  Delta  Science  and  Technology  Innovation  Equity Investment Fund backed by the National Social Security Fund was launched. We have sped  up  the  construction  of  major  projects  such  as  the  Shanghai  section  of  the Shanghai-Chongqing-Chengdu  Railway.  152  cross-jurisdiction  service  items  have been incorporated into the one-stop government service portal of the YRD. We have made solid progress in counterpart assistance as well as cooperation and exchange  within the YRD.


The role of the “three platforms” has become more prominent. The 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) was concluded successfully with a cumulative intended transaction value of 78.41 billion US dollars on an annual basis, up by 6.7%. The influence of the Shanghai City Promotion Convention as well as the Pudong and Hongqiao  parallel  sessions  of  the  Hongqiao  International  Economic  Forum  was further  enhanced.  The  CIIE  has  fully  showcased  its  role  as  a  major  platform  for  international procurement,  investment promotion,  cultural  exchange,  openness  and


cooperation. In the Demonstration Zone of the Integrated Green Development of the Yangtze River Delta, 24 institutional innovations  such as the inter-provincial project approval mechanism and cross-jurisdiction water joint protection plan were spearheaded. The  overall  land-use planning  for the Demonstration Zone has been approved for implementation. The  Shanghai  section  of the ecological  shoreline of Yuandang  has  been  fully  connected.  The  development  of  the   Xicen   Sci-tech Innovation Park was accelerated. The key tasks outlined in the overall development plan  of  Hongqiao  International  Hub  for  Opening-up  were  implemented.  The spillover effect of the Hongqiao International Central Business District has become more manifest, as exemplified by upgraded headquarters capacity and expanded trade  functions. Work concerning Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions,  Taiwan,  foreign  affairs  and  overseas  Chinese  made  steady  headway.  International Services Shanghai, a multilingual international service portal, was launched, pressing  the  “acceleration button ” for international exchanges.


Reforms in key areas have been deepened consistently. The reform of SOAs and SOEs picked up pace. The six plans to develop world-class enterprises were carried out  across the board. The  Shanghai  Exchange  Group  was  established.  Investment funds for the activation of SOAs and the high-quality development of SOEs were launched. In order to promote the high-quality development of the private economy, we have expedited the implementation of policy measures of the central government to facilitate the growth of the private sector, supported the sound development of private  investment,  formulated  and  implemented  the  “28  measures”  to  empower micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and advanced the innovative pilot projects for MSME financing and credit services. 97 new headquarters of private enterprises were added in the city. The four-party cooperation involving government, industry associations, banks and businesses was carried out on a higher level. We pressed ahead with the reform of the single web portal for public resource trading and put in place unified institutional, market, and management systems. The Shanghai


implementation plan  for  the  Outline for  Building  China  into  a  Strong  Nation  in Quality  was  carried  out  in  a  steady  manner,  with  the  addition  of  10  Shanghai  Standards and 37 Shanghai Brands respectively.


2. We have taken multiple measures to expand domestic demand and stabilize external  demand,  and  achieved  significant  results  in  high-quality  economic  development.

Coordinated policies to stabilize growth have achieved synergy. Ten major actions were undertaken to boost confidence, expand demand, stabilize growth, and promote development. Such policy measures as the “ 15 measures” to boost consumption, the “24 measures” to promote investment, the “21 measures” to stabilize foreign trade, and the “20 measures” to attract foreign investment were introduced. We hosted major consumption promotion events such as the Double Five Shopping Festival and six themed  consumption  seasons  and  facilitated  convenient  payments  for  inbound individuals.  Another  1,215  first  stores  were  set  up  and  the  total  retail  sales  of consumer goods grew by  12.6%.  The  “Ride the Wave  of Rising  Shanghai” event series was successfully hosted. We started the construction of the eastern extension of Metro Line  13,  Metro  Line  19  and  Nanhui-Fengjing  Line  Phase  I  as  well  as  the western  ring  of  the  raw  water  pipeline   system.  S3  highway   among  other  key infrastructure projects was put to use. With an investment of 225.74 billion yuan completed in key projects, the total fixed asset investment exceeded one trillion yuan, up by  13.8%.  We  developed  a  comprehensive  performance  evaluation  system  for industrial land, promoted the practice of smart manufacturing activities in high-rise industrial properties and fostered smart maker spaces. A pilot on the flexible planning and multi-function use of industrial land was launched. The area of inefficiently-used construction land was reduced by  15. 1 square kilometers. The comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce made steady headway. The pilot for the import of remanufactured products was rolled out. Demonstration enterprises for international trade  distribution  centers  and  certified  Authorized  Economic  Operators  (AEOs)  totaled  116  and  517  respectively.  China-Europe  freight  train  “ Shanghai  Express”  made  100 trips throughout the year. Exports of electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells, the “three new segments” grew by 43.9%, 50.9%, and 0.9% respectively.


Integration of the digital economy with the real economy has accelerated. We formulated and implemented an action plan for the innovation-driven development of the  data  industry.  The  digital  transformation  of  the  manufacturing  industry  was expedited, with the establishment of three national benchmark  smart  factories,  19 demonstration  factories,  and  111  excellent  application  scenarios  as  well   as  the cultivation of 25 leading companies with dominant role in their supply chains, and 34 industrial internet platforms cumulatively. A new round of action for the development of new types of infrastructure kicked off with the launch of public AI computing platforms and deployment of over 370 million IoT terminals and more than 77,000 5G base stations across the city.

The urban layout has been further optimized. A comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the Shanghai Master Plan 2035 was carried out. The development of the five new towns progressed smoothly. We introduced the second batch of 30 major  functions,  and  started  the  construction  of  117  major  projects  with  a  total investment  of  193.57  billion yuan  as  well  as  all  five  planned  municipal  general hospitals. Transformation of the functions of Baoshan District in the north and Jinshan District in the south (North-South Transformation) was accelerated in key areas with such projects as the Wusong Campus of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and the  Jinshan Campus of the Ruijin Hospital breaking ground.


We  have  pressed  ahead  with  rural  revitalization  across  the  board.  Policy measures  to  accelerate  agricultural  technological  innovation  were  formulated  and implemented, and efforts to build seed industry incubation bases picked up speed. Planning and construction of Shanghai Modern Agricultural Industry Park (Hengsha  Xinzhou) moved on smoothly. We stepped up our efforts to attract investment to the


agricultural sector with actual paid-in capital exceeding 20 billion yuan for the first  time. 24 model villages for rural revitalization and  101,000  “beautiful courtyards” were built. 210 kilometers of rural roads were upgraded, and 16,000 rural households  moved into new homes in relatively clustered settlements.


3. We have been fully dedicated to ensuring and improving people's well-being, bringing a better life to our people.

We have worked harder and more effectively to address people's problems and bring  tangible  benefits  to  them.  We  added  5,510  elderly  care  beds  and  41 community canteens for seniors. We renovated 2,598 care beds for the cognitively impaired and 7,715 homes to make them senior-friendly. 579 summer care classes for primary school students were provided and an additional 5,308 places were added to community  childcare  programs.  We  completed  the  renovation  of  123,000  square meters of scattered dilapidated housing in the downtown area, retrofitted 296,000 square meters of weak-framed houses and other old housing units, and started  10 urban  village  transformation  projects.  3,001  elevators  were  installed  in  existing multi-storey  residential  buildings.  We  also  provided   81,000  units   (rooms)   of subsidized  rental  housing  and  11,000  beds  in  the  “New  Era  Urban  Builders  and Managers Homes” . 51,000 new electric vehicle public charging piles were installed. 31 community fitness centers, 80 fitness walkways and 671 exercise corners were  built or renovated. 25 demonstration smart wet markets were established.


We have steadily improved social security programs. We have accelerated policy implementation to boost employment, such as stabilizing and expanding employment opportunities, supporting entrepreneurship and offering skills training. A new public website for job search and posting was launched. 606,000 new jobs were created and 227  community  employment  service  centers  were  built.  We  have   continuously improved the employment support system for college graduates and other key groups. Social  security  benefits  such  as  pensions,  medical  insurance,  and  subsistence  allowances have continued to increase. We have extended social security coverage to


all those in flexible employment in Shanghai, and provided temporary price subsidies and other support to those in need. The social security system and supporting system  for people with disabilities have been further improved.


Social programs have kept improving steadily. To accelerate the development of a high-quality education system, we unveiled and implemented the new five standards for  compulsory  education,  deepened  the  pilot  program  of  comprehensive  higher education  reform,  and  restructured  vocational   education.  UNESCO  International Institute for STEM Education, a UNESCO Category I Institute, was established in Shanghai. We have achieved a  smooth transition in Covid- 19 response, and made fresh progress in the Healthy Shanghai initiative. We have constantly improved the healthcare referral system, accelerated the pilot program of high-quality development of public hospitals, and ramped up community-based general practice service, family doctor  contract  service  and  drug  supplies.  The  reform  on  outpatient  expenses reimbursement through collective pooling has been completed for employment-based healthcare insurance, and the diversified payment mechanisms for innovative drugs and medical devices have been refined. New progress has been made in the work  related to women and children and work on ethnic and religious affairs.


We  have  strengthened  the  cultural  soft  power  of  Shanghai.  The  WorldSkills Museum was completed and open to the public. A number of cultural and  sports events  have  returned  with  renewed  vigor,  including  Shanghai  International  Film Festival, Shanghai International Arts Festival, Shanghai Tourism Festival, Shanghai International Art Fair, and the  Shanghai Masters. We have completed the national pilot  reform  on  the  management  of  cultural  relics  in  private  possession  and  the construction  of demonstration  zones  of culture  relics  preservation  and  utilization. Shanghai  athletes  achieved  outstanding  results  in  major  events  such  as  the Asian  Games.


Solidarity has been strengthened between the military and the government as well as between the military and the people. Coordination between the military and the  local  communities  has  been  further  improved.  Technologies  and  industry  for national defense have been bolstered with breakthroughs achieved in key areas. We have completed the reform of the national defense mobilization system, pressed ahead with the Double Support Model City campaign to solidify military-civilian unity, and made concerted efforts to advance the “three jointly and three solidify”1    campaign. Fresh  progress  has  been  achieved  in  national  defense  education,  reserve  forces  buildup, and veteran affairs.


4. As new headway has been made in urban governance, our city has become  more livable, resilient and intelligent.

We have achieved finer granularity in urban management. We have made solid  progress in urban renewal, exploring sustainable development models and improving  the systems, mechanisms and policies for urban renewal. The construction of the city's  digital foundation has picked up speed, new achievements have been made in the  demonstration  zones  of  digital  transformation,  and  the  city's  digital  “vital  signs” system  of urban  operation  has  been  iterated.  Another  eight  kilometers  of public  waterfront  areas  were  linked  up  and  open  to  the  public,  and  the  quality  of  the  waterfronts of the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek has improved steadily. A total of 112 kilometers of overhead cables were moved underground, while the associated  electricity distribution facilities like poles, transformers and cabinets were renovated  along the routes. Landscape lighting of Xujiahui and other shopping districts was  upgraded,  and  103  “beautiful  street  blocks”  were  built.  Affiliated   space   of  59  government agencies, public service institutions and enterprises have been open to the  public. The inaugural Global Award for Sustainable Development in Cities (Shanghai Award) was presented in Shanghai.


We have achieved notable advances in social governance innovation. We have


1    (Translator’s note): “three jointly and three solidify” refers to jointly study and innovate in theories to solidify   beliefs and convictions, jointly develop grassroots organizations to solidify frontline fortresses, and jointly foster new civility practices to solidify military-civilian unity


further  empowered  governments  at  the  sub-district/town  level,  while  easing  their  administrative burdens. We have improved the long-term mechanism of “one rule,  two  lists2”  in  neighborhood  and  village  committees,  optimized  the  basic  units  of social governance and reinforced the community worker teams. We have strived to  tackle the root causes of citizens ’ complaints, and boosted the quality and efficiency  of the 12345 hotline service and the work of collecting people’s suggestions. “Lijian” and other law and order campaigns have made sustained progress. We have rolled out  a tripartite alternative dispute resolution mechanism involving police stations, judicial  offices and law firms. The campaign to screen and rectify major hazards and that to  improve  urban  gas  safety  have  progressed  steadily.  These  combined  efforts  have  yielded  11  consecutive  years  of rising public  sense  of safety  and  satisfaction  and  maintained overall social stability.


Solid progress has been made in environmental protection. Shanghai ranked the first in the performance evaluation of the nationwide campaign to combat pollution. We launched the third round of the Clean Air Plan of Action and phased out  11,000 China III diesel vehicles. We carried out a new round of survey and correction of combined sewer systems and rectified sewage discharge outlets along the trunk of the Yangtze River. Construction of the northern section of Luowen River of the Wusong River Project and 52 rainwater storage tanks started. Phase IV of Zhuyuan wastewater treatment plant was completed and put into operation. We have redoubled efforts in domestic waste sorting, bringing up the recycling rate and moving closer towards the “waste-free city” goal. We have implemented ten major actions for carbon peaking. An additional 946,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power were installed. With another  354,000 new energy vehicles (NEVs) sold, the NEV stock in Shanghai grew to 1.288

2    (Translator’s note): “one rule, two lists” refers to three documents that clarify the roles and responsibilities of neighborhood and village committees: "Rules for the Management ofMandated Responsibilities ofNeighborhood and Village Committees in Shanghai (Trial)", "List ofItems that Neighborhood and Village Committees are Legally Required to Perform", and "List ofItems that Neighborhood and Village Committees are Legally Required to Assist with". million, the highest among all the cities in the world. We successfully hosted the first China  Carbon  Market  Conference  and  the  first  Shanghai  International  Carbon Neutrality Expo. We have added over 67,000 mu of forestland,  1,044  hectares  of green  space,  231  kilometers  of urban  green  paths,  and  430,000  square  meters  of

vertical green landscaping.


5. We have driven government reform and innovation, and made new progress in  government administration.

The business environment in Shanghai has kept improving. Benchmarking against  the World Bank’s latest evaluation matrix, we have deepened our reform and fulfilled  208 tasks  outlined in the  sixth version  of the business  environment  improvement  policies. On  average,  1,904  new  businesses  were  set up  daily, up by  28. 1%.  The  existing  stock of 2.892 million businesses accounts for  85% of the total business  players in Shanghai. The number of businesses per thousand people increased to 116.8, topping  the  chart  in  the  country.  We  have  introduced  service  packages  for  key  businesses to compile related policies together, feed targeted information and provide  easy access to government services. The total amount of newly added tax cuts, fee  reductions, tax refunds, and fee deferrals exceeded 110 billion yuan.


We  have  strengthened  law-based  administration.  The  mid-term  review  of  the implementation progress of the 14th Five-year Plan was completed. We supported the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee in issuing  13 local laws, and formulated, amended and abolished 40 government regulations. We handled 778 proposals from deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress and 927 proposals of the CPPCC Municipal  Committee. We have  driven  ahead  demonstration  programs  of law-based administration. We have promoted the use of special credit reports in lieu of records of violations. We have launched a pilot program  of using an "inspection code" for business-related administrative law enforcement, and have put in place a comprehensive administrative law enforcement system at the sub-district and town level.  We  have  further   engaged  government  counselors  and  culture  and  history  researchers in decision making.


We have bolstered the  functions  of the  Government  Online-Offline  Shanghai Portal and the Single Platform for Urban Management. Considerable progress has been made in priority initiatives such as on-chain data storage, government service blockchain   development,   urban   information   access   QR   code,   and   integrated government administration. On the Government Online-Offline Shanghai Portal, We have cumulatively introduced 41 items into the “One Service” initiative, provided 200 frequently used government services in a smart and convenient way, and unveiled 296 application-free services. The Single Platform for Urban Management has integrated 1,466 applications of various types. The functions of Suishenma, a government-issued QR  code  for  service  provision  and  administration,  have  kept  expanding  and improving. We have  introduced  a number  of innovative  features,  such  as  “ Single Compliance  QR  Code”  and  “Easy  Pass”  for  smart  traffic  management.  We  have refined mechanisms for convenient sharing of public data, and made sure that requests  for data in key scenarios must be responded to.


The government’s conduct has been continuously improved. We acted in strict accordance  with  the  central  Party  leadership’s  eight-point  decision  on  improving conduct, and continued to tackle pointless formalities, bureaucratism, over-indulgence and extravagance. We conducted thorough studies to resolve effectively a batch of pressing  issues  complained  about  by  the  public  and  enterprises.  Acting  on  our commitment to spending sparingly, we kept a tight control over general expenses, comprehensively rolled out integrated budget management, and carried out a pilot scheme on performance management based on cost budgeting, cutting over 10% of cost. We improved the quality and efficiency of government audits, and coordinated problem  identification,  rule-based  management   and  reforms.  Efforts  to  improve  integrity of Party members and combat corruption were further strengthened.


Fellow deputies, over the previous year, we carried out the themed education to study  and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further aligned our thinking, will and action, and translated the success of the themed education into higher quality of economic growth, higher living standards of the people,  and greater efficiency  and  effectiveness in governance,  so that  our various undertakings scaled new heights and presented a new look. The achievements we have made over the past year would not have been possible without the strong leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee, the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the arduous endeavors made in solidarity by the people of Shanghai under the leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee. Hereby, on behalf of the  Shanghai  Municipal  People’s  Government,  I  wish  to  express  our  heartfelt gratitude to all fellow citizens for your hard work, to all the deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress and members of the CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee for your  strong  support to the work of the  Government, to  all other political parties, industry  and  commerce  federations,  people’s  organizations  and  public  personages from all sectors of society, to all departments of the Central Government, our fellow provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Armed Police stationed in Shanghai, as well as to our fellow compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, Taiwan and overseas, and all our friends around the world for your interest in and support for Shanghai’s development!


We are keenly aware of the many difficulties and challenges lying on the journey ahead,  as  well  as  the   shortcomings  in  our  work.  In  particular,  the  external environment remains complex and severe, geopolitical conflicts persist, and the global economic  recovery   lacks   momentum.   There   are   bottlenecks   in   the   domestic circulation,  insufficient  effective  demand,  and  weak  overall  expectations.  Being  a highly externally-oriented economy, Shanghai is affected earlier, more significantly and more directly by these factors. Therefore, we are under considerable pressure to maintain our city’s steady economic operation, and we need to make greater efforts to achieve  all  the  objectives  of the   14th  Five-Year  Plan.  We  will  strive  for  further breakthroughs in some core technologies in key fields, and we need to move obstacles  so that basic and applied research and industries can better feed into each other. New


growth drivers need to be bolstered, and smart, green and integrated development of industries should be accelerated. Some enterprises, MSMEs in particular, are beset by difficulties in their operation, and market confidence needs to be further improved. There is still imbalance and insufficiency in urban and rural development, as well as weakness in public welfare programs including employment, education, healthcare, and elderly care. Ecological and environmental protection remains an arduous task, and our governance of this megacity needs to be further strengthened. We must make our  services  and management more  effective,  and  further  improve the conduct  of government. We must always  face  difficulties head-on  and maintain  firm  resolve, address problems and perform our duties to the best of our capacity, so that we can  deliver on our commitments to meet our citizens ’ new expectations.


II. Major Tasks in 2024


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and it is a critical year in achieving the objectives set by the  14th Five-Year Plan. We must act on, in all respects, the key message of the important remarks made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and focus on the new positioning, new propositions, new  requirements  and  new  tasks  he  put  forward  during  his  inspection  tours  in Shanghai. We shall take on the toughest issues with an enterprising spirit and a strong sense of responsibilities, and continue to strive as a pioneer for national reform and opening-up  and   a  forerunner  in  innovation-driven  development,   so  as  to  better  contribute to the national development.


In order to fulfill this year’s tasks, we must follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully internalize the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the second plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and act on the key message of the important remarks made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is imperative for us to implement the plans made at the third and the fourth plenary sessions of the 12th CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, stay committed to the overarching guideline of  seeking  progress  while  ensuring   stability,  fully  and   faithfully  apply  the  new


development philosophy on all  fronts,  and  focus  on the primary task  of pursuing high-quality  development  as  well  as  the  strategic  mission  of  forming   a  new development pattern. We must concentrate our efforts on the “Five Centers” Initiative, with sci-tech innovation as the leading force, reform and opening-up as the driving force, national strategic tasks as the guidance, and urban governance modernization as the guarantee. We will strike a better balance between domestic demand stimulation and supply-side structural reform, between new urbanization and rural revitalization, and between high-quality development and high-level security. We should effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and mitigate risks, improve expectations of the society, consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery, continue to promote  effective  qualitative  development   and  reasonable  quantitative  growth, improve people’s well-being,  and maintain  social  stability. We will  accelerate  our efforts to establish Shanghai as a socialist, modern and international metropolis with global influence, and fully leverage our city’s leading and exemplary role in pursuing  Chinese modernization.


Taking all factors into consideration, we propose the following main targets for social

and economic development this year:

. GDP growth rate of around 5%

. An increase of 5% in the revenue of the general budget

. Overall R&D expenditure making up about 4.5% of the city’s GDP

. Surveyed urban unemployment rate kept within 5%

. Household income increase in keeping with GDP growth

. A target CPI of about 3%

. Further reduction in energy intensity and CO2 intensity,

. Reduction in major pollutants from key projects reaching national targets


This year, we will focus on the following areas.

1. We will build up the city’s capabilities and core competences by speeding up the “Five Centers” development. We will stay committed to a concerted and holistic approach  to  planning,   and  make  breakthroughs  in  key   areas  to   drive  forward development  on  all  fronts.  We  will  put  more  emphasis  on   sci-tech  innovation, continue to strengthen the core urban functions and hub-and-spoke role of Shanghai,and better represent our country in the international cooperation and competition.


Accelerating the development of Shanghai as an international economic center.

We will  continue  to  modernize the  industrial  system  through  sci-tech  innovation,  focus on intelligent, green and integrated development, move faster to establish a  modern industrial system featuring “(2+2)+(3+6)+(4+5)”3, so as to generate new and  high-quality productive forces. We will drive forward new industrialization, increase  the  share  of the  industrial  economy,  and pursue high-quality  development  of key  industrial chains. We will spare no effort to advance the new round of “Shanghai  Plans”  regarding  IC,  biomedicine  and  AI  industries.  We  will  create  and  upgrade  high-end industrial clusters of NEVs, high-end equipment, advanced materials, civil  aviation and spatial information, and move faster to develop a pioneering zone for  industries   of  the   future.   We   will   empower   high-quality   development   of  the  manufacturing sector with the industrial internet, implement the “Intelligent Robot+” initiative, and take the lead in the national pilot program for the approval and road  trials  of  intelligent   connected   vehicles.  We  will  develop  green  manufacturing  standards and green and low-carbon supply chains, and build green industrial parks  and green factories. We will encourage providers of producer services, such as R&D  and design, supply chain management, inspection and testing, as well as intellectual  property services, to be more specialized and move up the value chain, and drive deep  integration of the modern service industry with the advanced manufacturing industry.  In the meantime, we will optimize and expand the space for industrial development  and promote new models of mixed land use such as multiple uses of industrial land.


3    (Translator’s note) 2+2: driving forward integration of the advanced manufacturing industry with the modern service industry, and promoting digital transformation of traditional industries and green and low-carbon transition. 3+6: accelerating the development of the three leading industries of IC, biomedicine and AI, and the six key industries of electronics and information, life and health, automobiles, high-end equipment, advanced materials and fashionable consumer goods.

4+5: taking the lead in the four new arenas of digital economy, green and low-carbon, metaverse, and intelligent terminals, and the five industries of the future, i.e., future health, future intelligence, future energy, future space and future materials.


10 million square meters of space will be created for smart manufacturing activities in high-rise   industrial   properties,   and   13   square   kilometers   of   inefficiently-used  construction land will be cut.


Accelerating the development of Shanghai as an international financial center.

We will work with the national financial authorities to pursue high-standard financial opening-up  and  increase  the   city’s  competitiveness  and  influence.  On  financial markets, we will build up an international financial asset exchange at a faster speed, press ahead with the development of the international reinsurance center with high standards and optimize cross-border finance and offshore finance, so as to make the financial markets more international. On financial products, we will introduce more commodity  and  financial  futures  and  options  products  to  the  market,  continue  to develop more use cases for digital yuan and bolster fintech, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to better serve the real economy, boost sci-tech innovation and participate in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). On financial institutions, we will attract impactful financial institutions and long-term capital  to the  city  and  press  ahead  with  the  pilot  programs  of Qualified  Foreign Limited Partnership (QFLP) and Qualified Domestic Limited Partner (QDLP). On financial infrastructure, we will step up cross-border connectivity and cooperation and upgrade features and functions of the Cross-border Interbank Payment System. At the same  time, we will  strengthen  financial  regulation  across  the  board,  enhance  the capacity to ensure that the markets are safe and under control, and fend off systemic  financial risks.


Accelerating the development of Shanghai as an international trade center. We will  build  up  Shanghai  as  a  trade  hub,  further  drive  forward  liberalization  and facilitation of trade and investment, forge a great synergy between international and domestic trade, and put in place internationally competitive policies and mechanisms. We will take an active part in the joint pursuit of the high-quality development of the  BRI. For instance, we will advance the high-standard development of the Silk Road


E-commerce Pilot Zone as part of our efforts to expand opening-up of e-commerce. We will launch the comprehensive service platform to provide BRI-related services in the YRD while boosting the capacity of local accounting, law and other professional firms to serve international clients. To facilitate cross-border flow of people, we will accelerate  the  development  of  an  international  business  cooperation  zone  in  the Oriental Hub. In addition, Shanghai will further build up demonstration zones for the innovative  development  of trade  in  services,  enhance  the  functions  of specialized service export bases, and foster new business formats and models of trade in services. We will  also  step  up  the  development  of import  trade  promotion  and  innovation demonstration  zones  with  a  view  to  integrating  import  trade  with  industries  and consumption. The initiative to upgrade the capacity of headquarters economy and the Global Operation Program will be carried out. We will also speed up the development of commodity trading platforms with a turnover above  100 billion yuan  as well as those above one trillion yuan, attract more international economic organizations and first-class  traders,  and  boost  the  development  of  online   service  platforms   for  producers.


Accelerating the development of Shanghai as an international shipping center.

With the focus on enhancing the capacity of allocating shipping resources globally, Shanghai will redouble its efforts to develop high-end shipping services, upgrade the shipping insurance underwriting and service capacity, innovate maritime arbitration models, grow international ship management business and advance the reform of the Shanghai  Shipping  Exchange  in  a  proper  and  orderly  manner.  The  functions  of Shanghai  as  a  shipping  hub  will   be   further  expanded.  We  will   speed  up  the development  of seaports,  airports,  cruise  ports  and  the  collection  and  distribution system.  Major  infrastructure  projects   such  as  the  north  port   operation  area  of Xiaoyangshan,  the  Oriental  Hub  East  Railway  Station,  Phase  IV  of  the  Pudong International Airport and Youdungang navigation channel upgrade. Luojing Port Area Renovation Phase I will be put into operation. We will boost the development of  multimodal transport, promote container inland water transport in the YRD, support


hub  carriers  in  Shanghai  to  build  themselves  into  mega-carriers,  and  vigorously develop the industry chain of the cruise economy. To support the digital, intelligent and  green  transition  of  the  shipping  industry,  Shanghai  will  further  upgrade  its Mobility-as-a-Service platform for international container transport services, build a pilot demonstration platform of digital shipping trade, accelerate the development of supply chains for green methanol, LNG  and other clean  fuels and promote green transportation means including battery-electric ships. Shanghai will lend a big boost  to marine economy and turn itself into a modern marine city.



Accelerating the development of Shanghai as an international sci-tech innovation center. We will render stronger support to high-quality operation and development of Shanghai-based  national  laboratories   and  bases,   drive  forward  restructuring   and development  of  national  key  laboratories  in  the  city,  build  up  centers  for  basic research  and  frontier  science,  and  increase  the  accessibility  and  sharing  of major sci-tech  infrastructure,  instruments,  equipment  as  well  as  data.  We  will  build  a research pilot area dedicated to high-risk yet high-value basic research in advanced interdisciplinary   areas.   We   will    explore    new    organizational    structures    for breakthroughs in key and core technologies, invest in cutting-edge technologies for industries  of  the   future,   vigorously   develop   indigenous   and   controllable   core industrial  software  and  industrial  control  systems,  and  advance  projects  aimed  at seeking breakthroughs in major technological equipment and reshaping the industrial foundation.  New  types  of  R&D  institutions  and  high-level  industrial  innovation platforms will be established. At the same time, we will reinforce the principal role of enterprises in innovation, and encourage leading high-tech enterprises to become the fount  of original  technologies.  We  will  deepen  the  reform  of the  property  rights system for scientific achievements, optimize the valuation and pricing mechanisms for technological factors and move faster to develop hi-tech services. We will support the improvement of the IPO system of high-tech companies in the STAR market and accelerate  the  establishment  of  a  guiding  fund  for  sci-tech  innovations  so  as  to  encourage long-term and patient capital to invest in early-stage, small companies and


hard  and  core technologies. We will develop the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park into a world-leading hi-tech park, build up the functions of high-quality incubators, drive the development of the neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community as a functional area of original sci-tech innovations, and continue to implement the action plan on reform and development of university hi-tech parks. We will also step up protection of intellectual property rights, carry out the campaign of patent application and  commercialization,  and  forge  ahead  with  the  pilot  program   on  intellectual property rights of data. We will boost sci-tech exchanges and cooperation, and strive  to build up a globally competitive ecosystem for open innovation.


We will foster integrated development of education, science and technology, and talent.  We  will  persist  in  cultivating  moral  character  and   strengthen  the  broad ideological  and political curriculum. In  our  effort to improve the quality of basic education,  we  will  actively  develop  a  national  zone  of  quality   and  equitable compulsory education. As we continue the comprehensive reform of higher education, we will further implement the programs for developing first-class universities and disciplines, disciplines with domestic and international recognition, and high-standard local universities. New  hubs  for  basic  research will be built with the  support  of leading research universities, and different types of platforms will be established to integrate vocational education with industry. By leveraging the foundational role of education in fostering innovative minds, we will enhance science education, refine mechanisms for cultivating top-tier innovative talent in basic subjects, and optimize development  models  of in-demand  talent  in  key  industries.  Focusing  on  national priorities and the city’s major tasks, we will increasingly cluster strategic science and technology  professionals,  high-caliber  talent  from  overseas  and  top-tier  teams, cultivate   young    science    and    technology    talent,    outstanding    engineers   and highly-skilled  workers,  expand  the   scope  when  recruiting  high-end  professional service talent, and turn Shanghai into a major hub for high-caliber talent. We will promote  the  pilot  program  of  comprehensive  reform  of  the  talent  development  framework, adopt new approaches to evaluating science and technology talent, and


deepen  the  reform  of  professional  title  evaluations,  utilization  of  scientific  and technological  achievements,  and  R&D  expenditure  management.  To  create  an enabling innovation ecosystem, we will provide premium services to global talents, advance reform to offer one-stop, full-cycle support, and improve policies on housing, entry  and  exit,  as  well  as  stay  and  residence.  In  addition,  we  will  strive  to  turn Shanghai into a more inviting city for young professionals, and create a world-class  talent development environment.


2. Driving steady and healthy economic development and improving its quality and  efficiency.  Balancing  short-term  and  long-term  as  well  as  domestic  and international considerations, we will strengthen the foundational role of consumption, the key role  of investment  and  the underpinning role  of foreign  trade,  and  work  towards a lasting economic recovery.


We will unleash the full potential of consumption. In our effort to become a global  consumption hub, we will host the fifth “Double Five Shopping Festival” and other  major promotional activities, attract more global product launches to Shanghai, and  improve the vitality of commercial districts. We will foster new forms of consumption, promote innovative patterns of cultural and tourism consumption, and create synergy  projects such as “exhibition plus commerce”, “culture and tourism plus commerce” and “sports plus commerce” . We will also develop new highlights in digital, big-ticket, service, green, and urban fashion consumption, and expand consumption in key areas  such as automobiles, smart home appliances, trendy products designed and made in  China, and catering. To further enhance the consumer experience, we will continue to  diversify payment options for inbound visitors, and set world-leading standards for  products, services and industry practices.


We will increase effective investment. We will accelerate the construction of major projects with investments of 230 billion yuan this year. We will break ground on the eastern   section   of  Line   20   Phase   I   and   the   eastern   extension   of   Shanghai


Demonstration  Zone  Railway,  expedite  the  construction  of  Chongming  Line  and Jiading-Minhang  Line,  and  complete  the  line  connecting  Hongqiao  and  Pudong airports, as well as the western extension of Line  17. Additionally, we will advance the construction of major infrastructure projects,  such  as the  Shanghai  Section  of Shanghai-Nantong     Railway     Phase      II      and     the      Shanghai     section      of Shanghai-Chongqing-Chengdu High-Speed Railway, complete such major projects as the Shanghai section of Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou Railway and the eastern section of Beiheng Corridor. We will introduce more landmark industrial projects, and foster new infrastructure  such  as  intelligent  computing clusters, the urban blockchain of Pujiang Digital Chain, and data transaction chains. We will also implement a new round  of  high-level  technological  transformation  at  enterprises,  and  create  100  demonstration projects for technological transformation.

We will stabilize the overall performance of foreign trade and foreign investment.

We will ignite new momentum for foreign trade development, refine and implement policies  to   stabilize  foreign  trade,   and  support  enterprises  in  exploring  diverse overseas markets. We will also promote high-quality development of Special Customs Supervision  Zones,  enhance  customs  clearance,  logistics,  insurance,  payment  and settlement  functions  of  the  single  window  platforms  for  international  trade,  and champion  new  types  of  international  trade   such  as  offshore  trade,   cross-border e-commerce  and  bonded  maintenance.  We  will  help  stabilize  existing  foreign investment and attract additional foreign investment, expand new fields of foreign investment,  and  further  open  up  the  manufacturing  sector.  Additionally,  we  will spearhead  the  national  comprehensive  pilot  program  of  expanded  service  sector opening-up, and advance the Global Partner Program to promote foreign investment  and the program for upgrading foreign-funded R&D centers.

We  are  committed  to  creating  a  first-class  business  environment.  Focused  on being market-oriented, law-based and internationalized, we will implement another 150 tasks and measures in business environment reform to comprehensively enhance the experience of enterprises. We will build up communication mechanisms, including  four-party cooperation involving the government,  industry associations, banks  and  businesses, as well as business round-tables. We will enhance the “service package” mechanism for key enterprises, better help enterprises reduce burdens and increase  efficiency, and respond to their needs with greater speed. We will thoroughly remove  hidden  criteria  and  barriers  that  hinder  market-driven  allocation  of  factors   of production, and refine the relevant institutional system. In areas such as bankruptcy  and  foreign-related  commercial  dispute  resolution,  we  will  explore  innovative  measures  that   are  aligned  with   international  norms,   and  strengthen  the   overall  advantages of our business environment.

We will stimulate the vitality of all business entities. We will firmly promote a new round of SOE reform and enhancement, further optimize classified supervision, and deepen the reform of state-owned capital investment and operation companies. We will also increase investment in strategic emerging industries and industries of the future, and effectively leverage the assets of SOEs such as land and industrial parks. In addition, we will promote better SOE governance and the development quality of state-owned listed companies. We will work unswervingly both to consolidate and develop the public sector and to encourage, support and guide the development of the private  sector. We will bolster the  development  and  growth  of the  private  sector, optimize the legal environment for its development, and give greater support to its investment and development. We will improve the government-supported financing guarantee  system  and  credit  award  and  subsidy  policies   for  micro,   small   and medium-sized  enterprises.  We  will  also   strengthen  the  cultivation  of  small  and medium-sized specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products, and help them to scale up. We will deepen collaboration between the central and  local  governments,  attract  more  headquarters  of  central  SOEs  and  their  core functions  to  Shanghai,  and jointly  develop  industrial  and  supply  chains.  We  will accelerate the establishment of a comprehensive and market-oriented trading platform covering all factors of production, and continue to deepen the reform of the  single web portal for public resource trading. We will also build a pilot zone for market supervision digitization, launch a new quality improvement program, and publish a  new batch of “ Shanghai Standards” and “Shanghai Brands” .

3. Promoting high-standard reform and opening-up, and enhancing development momentum   and   competitiveness.  We  will  pursue   systematic  integration   and efficiency through collaboration, double down on trailblazing reforms and opening-up across  the  board,  and  take  the  lead  in  comprehensive  reform  and  high-standard  opening-up.

We will further drive integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will fully implement the policies and measures of the central government, formulate and implement the third three-year action plan, and carry out key cooperation projects in areas  such  as  sci-tech  innovation,  industrial  innovation,  collaborative  opening-up, ecological and environmental protection, public services, and safety and security in development.  We  will  also  press  ahead  with  major  cross-regional  infrastructure projects,  such  as  electricity  transmission  from  other  regions  into  Shanghai,  and improve the system and mechanism for integrated development. We will accelerate the development of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and the industrial innovation belt along Shanghai and Nanjing in the Yangtze River Delta, and work together to build a YRD regional development community. We will carry out study  on  the  territorial  spatial  planning  for  the  Yangtze  River  Delta,  and  initiate formulation of the territorial spatial planning of Shanghai Metropolitan Area. We will advance  institutional  innovations  in  the  YRD  Demonstration  Zone  of  Ecological, Green and Integrated Development, and promote their replication and promotion. We will also accelerate the construction of key projects, such as Square Hall and Water Courtyard,   and    the   Shanghai-Suzhou-Jiaxing    Intercity   Railway,    and   provide supporting  services  for the completion  and  operation  of Huawei’s R&D  center in Qingpu District. We will further implement policies and measures to enhance the  capacity of the Hongqiao International Hub for Opening-up, build and make good use  of important platforms such as the Hongqiao Overseas Trade Center and the Hongqiao Import  Commodity  Exhibition  and  Trading   Center,  and  strengthen  international aviation services. We will do our best to host the seventh China International Import Expo with  exceptional  services,  promote  the  introduction  of more  new  products, technologies  and  services,  and  continue  to  amplify  the  spillover  effect.  We  will actively implement the opinions on driving high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and strive to achieve both high-level ecological protection and  green, innovative development.

We will build Pudong as a leading area of socialist modernization in an all-round  way. With  a  focus  on  key  areas  that  have  the best  chance  for  success,  we  will  introduce  more  substantive  measures  to  achieve  breakthroughs  at  key  links  for  market-based  allocation  of  factors  of  production.  We  will   fully  implement  the  opinions of central authorities and 280 tasks stipulated in the action plans of Shanghai, pilot  the  retail   of  imported   non-prescription   drugs   and   medical   devices   via  cross-border e-commerce, promote bonded maintenance, remanufacturing and bonded  R&D outside Special Customs Supervision Zones on an experimental basis, make  Pudong  the  most  preferable  destination  for  international  talent,  and  assist  the  Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee in making laws  and regulations for Pudong. We will carry out the pilot program on comprehensive  reform of Pudong at a quicker pace, amplifying the impact of the list for the first  batch of authorized items, making the customs clearance mechanism more and more  convenient, pioneering new frontiers in RMB-denominated offshore transaction and  international cooperation on standards, and enhancing the effectiveness of reforms in  synergistic innovations and the import of special goods for research and development.

We will expedite the development of FTZ and Lingang Special Area. We will follow through with the 80 measures proposed in the general plan on alignment with high-standard international economic and trade rules in an effort to steadfastly expand  institutional opening-up involving rules, regulations, management and standards. We  will advance the high-level opening-up for cross-border service trade and investment,  further  open  up  such  areas  as  telecom,  finance  and  healthcare,  and  optimize  the  operational mode of international transshipment and consolidation platforms. We will  accelerate the implementation of measures to better manage the cross-border flow of data and speed up the construction of the international industrial park of data economy. Reforms  of behind-the-border  rules  will  be  first  implemented  in  IPR  protection,  government procurement, etc. Support will be rendered to the application of policies  designed for the Yangshan Comprehensive Special Bonded Zone to designated areas  within Pudong. The development of Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange  and other high-performance platforms will be boosted. We will further develop the  functionality of comprehensive service platforms, including “Cross-border Connect”,  “Shipping Connect” and “Legal Connect” . We will accelerate the planning for the  development  of emerging  industries  like  new  types  of  energy  storage  and  smart  wearables. Major construction projects such as Dishuihu School and Lingang Campus  of Pudong Hospital will be launched.

We will deepen cooperation and exchange. We will step up our assistance to and collaboration and coordination with paired-up regions, assist them in solidifying and expanding their poverty alleviation gains, and propel full revitalization of rural areas. Exchange  and  cooperation  with  Hong  Kong,  Macao  and  Taiwan  regions  will  be carried out actively, and work concerning foreign affairs and overseas Chinese will be delivered effectively. We will ramp up international communication and promotion to better tell China’s stories in general and Shanghai’s stories in particular across the  world.

4. Further optimizing the spatial layout and fostering new growth drivers of the city. Bearing in mind the characteristics of megacity development, we will allocate resources in a more rational manner, highlight the supporting role of key projects, and step on the gas to rework functions, modernize industries and enhance quality so as to  form   a    favorable   trajectory   of   differentiated,    complementary   and    concerted  development.

We will amplify the spillover effect of the central districts in an all-round way.

We will  strive to attract more high-capacity resources  and high-end  events to the central districts, promote the development of districts where the Middle Ring Road runs through and improve the comprehensive service functionality of sub-centers of Shanghai.  We  will  continue  to  generate  more  business  formats  in  iconic  CBDs renowned worldwide, inter alia, Nanjing Road, Lujiazui and Xujiahui, promote the high-quality  clustering  of modern  services  in  such  areas  as  the  North  Bund  and Suhewan, and build up compounds for innovations in science and technology by high standards,  including  Great  Knowledge  and  Innovation  Community,  Silicon  Alley  Shanghai and Universal Software Park.

We will bring the development of the five new towns to the next level. We will continue  to  push  forward  major  function  projects:  enterprise  headquarters,  R&D innovations, platforms of production factors, to name a few. We aim to foster leading and high-growth companies in advanced manufacturing and modern services to make sure these sectors grow by high standards. Efforts will be made to build integrated transportation hubs in new towns such as the Songjiang hub, the western extension of Metro Line 12, the southern extension of Metro Line 15, Lianggang Express Line and Nanhui-Fengjing Line. As for high-quality public amenities, we will build 26 new elementary  and  middle  schools  and  kindergartens,  accelerate  the  construction  of branches of tertiary hospitals like Zhongshan and Xinhua Hospitals, and open to the  public the completed sections of new town green belts.

We will double down on the North-South Transformation. We will fast-track the modernization and upgrading of steelmaking and chemical industrial bases, catalyze the   development   of   specialized    industrial    parks   such   as   North    Shanghai Biopharmaceutical Industrial Park and Carbon Valley Green Bay, and cultivate and  attract a batch of champions and leading companies along the industrial and supply  chains. We will put multiple functions in and ensure the high-standard development of such critical transformation zones as Wusong Innovation City and Shanghai Bay Area Science and Technology Innovation City to increase the supply of premium public services. We will press ahead with the construction of the Legoland Park & Resort, and turn the first  shovel  of soil  for  Shanghai Baoshan Railway  Station  and  other projects.

We will go all-out to further develop Chongming into a world-class eco-island.

We will put dedicated policies in place to develop ecological economy and improve the  ecosystem.  To  build  Chongming,  Changxing  and  Hengsha  into  zero-carbon, low-carbon and carbon-negative islands respectively, we will proactively promote the development of a carbon neutrality demonstration zone on the world-class ecological island, boost  the  growth  of the  marine  equipment  industry  cluster  on  Changxing Island,  and  steadfastly  push  forward  the   construction   of  the  Shanghai  Modern  Agricultural Industrial Park (Hengsha Xinzhou).

5. Advancing the integrated development of urban and rural areas and boosting  rural revitalization across the board. Prioritizing agricultural and rural development, we  will  draw  inspiration  from  the  “ 1,000  Model  Villages  and  10,000  Renovated  Villages Project” and tilt policies toward more effective two-way flow of urban and  rural resources with a view to improving the quality and productivity of agriculture,  making rural  areas  a  better  place  for  life  and  work,  and  raising  the  income  and  well-being level of farmers in general.

We will give primacy to the development of modern urban agriculture. We will ensure  accountability  for  arable  land  conservation  and  food  security,  continue  to strengthen the sustained production and stable supply of grains and vegetables, and construct 40,000 mu of new high-standard  farmland. We will bolster innovation in agricultural technologies including biomanufacturing and plant factories, vigorously  develop  agricultural  seed  breeding,   and  propel   the  cultivation  of  modern  seed  companies. We will kick off the planning and construction of 12 agricultural zones equipped with cutting-edge facilities, and build 30,000 mu of new unmanned farms for  grain  production  to  set  an  example  for  the  high-quality  development  of  agriculture.

We will conduct the campaign on rural development to a greater extent. We will advance the development of 28 villages exemplary of rural revitalization and continue to promote the relatively clustered settlements of rural households. We will inaugurate pilot projects in 5 villages to make the rural area a harmonious and beautiful place featuring well-conserved local culture with a pleasant living and working environment through   sound   planning,    construction,    environmental   protection,   as    well   as management  and  maintenance.  In  the  process  of  the  rural  habitat  improvement campaign, we will revamp 300 kilometers of rural roads. Moreover, we will make headway  with  the  campaign  for  rural  landscape   conservation  and  development, encourage the growth of agritourism, cultural and creative business facilities, as well as healthcare and elderly care and other new industries and business formats, and  create distinctive, vibrant and beautiful villages.

We will expand the sources of income for farmers. We will deepen land reforms in rural areas and roll out holistic land management across the city. The development of the transfer and transaction market of rural property rights will gather pace. Multiple approaches will be adopted to better mobilize collective resources and assets so that the  collective  economy  grows  more  robustly.  We  will  put  in  place  rural  talent development  programs.  As  we   continue  to   improve   the   comprehensive   rural assistance mechanism, we will follow through on aid projects till the livelihood of the  rural households in difficulties gets better in real terms.

6. Advancing further towards becoming an international cultural metropolis and enhancing  the  city’s  cultural  soft  power.  Based  on  the  fusion  of  red  culture,  Shanghai culture and Jiangnan culture, we will accelerate the creation of a Shanghaimodel for enhancing cultural self-confidence and self-reliance, and strive to take the lead on the path to modernization which is characterized by the harmony of material  and cultural-ethical advancement.

We will strengthen and celebrate the cultural character of the city. We will apply the  core  socialist  values  extensively,  take  concrete  steps  to  promote  cultural  and ethical progress among our people, and further the building of New Era Civilization Practice  Centers. We will  establish  a reading  service  system  for  all  residents  and continue to implement the “Read in Shanghai” campaign. A strong boost will be given to  philosophy   and  social  science  studies  with   Chinese  characteristics.  We  will strengthen the city's capacity for international communication and create impactful  city branding showcases that have a broad international influence.

We will improve institutions to enhance historical legacy protection and maintain cultural continuity. As Shanghai holds the esteemed status as the birthplace of the Party, we will further amplify its red legacy, bolstering the protection and optimizing the utilization of “red sites”, revolutionary relics, and historic zones. Preparations will be made for the establishment of a Shanghai revolution and military museum. We will further  implement  the  Urban  Memory  Project,  safeguarding  the  city's  intangible cultural heritage expressed in various forms such as opera, folk art, and handicraft, deepening research on the local history of Shanghai, and preserving and respecting  the historical heritage of the city. 

We will promote cultural undertakings and the prosperity of cultural industries in the city. We will further implement inclusive cultural infrastructure projects, open Shanghai  Museum  East  in  Pudong  to  the  public,  get  ready  to  build  a  Shanghai Industrial Museum, accelerate the development of major cultural facilities such as Shanghai  Grand  Opera  House,  optimize  the  distribution  and  functions  of  public cultural  facilities  at the  community level,  create a number of new public cultural  spaces, and encourage public cultural facilities to offer night-time services. We will

further implement the Shanghai Literature and Art Scaling New Heights Project, and optimize incentives for arts troupes to develop talents and programs and launch more original works special of Shanghai. We will implement major cultural projects to spur the development of the cultural and creative industries, foster leading enterprises and new business models in this industry, stimulate the fashion and art market, give a strong boost to film and television creation, art trading, performing arts, e-sports, tourism, sports, online culture, and creative design, promote cultural products and services to overseas markets, and cultivate Shanghai-based cultural brands with global   influence.

We will drive further the integrated development of culture and tourism. We will implement the preservation and development plan for the  Shanghai section of the national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme, take bigger steps to boost the development of key areas in the Shanghai International Resort, promote the north and south  extensions  of the  Huangpu  River  cruise  sightseeing  route,  and  upgrade  the cultural  and  tourism  functions  of  the   Suzhou   Creek.   We  will   accelerate  the development  of  “red  tourism”,  industrial  tourism   and  rural  tourism,  maximize inbound tourist flow, and resume the operation of international cruise lines. We will  harness  the   spillover  effects  of  major  exhibitions  and  festive  celebrations,  and  organize high-quality cultural and tourist activities. We will explore new forms of cultural tourism, such as immersive experiences and the combination of virtual and  physical tours.

We   will   promote    the   development    of   both   non-competitive    sports   and competitive sports. We will further implement the public sports and fitness resource expansion initiative, speed up the construction of sports parks, and carry out a wide range of public fitness activities such as citizens ’ games. We will host international sports events such as Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix, the Olympic Qualifier Series for Paris 2024, and the ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships (4CC), while  developing and organizing  Shanghai's own brand  events  such as  Shanghai  Sailing  Open. We will give  support  in various  forms to  Shanghai  athletes  and help them  achieve good results in major competitions such as the Olympics.

7.   Further   promoting   green   and   low-carbon   transformation   and   making  Shanghai a beautiful city. Guided by the conviction that lush mountains and lucid  waters are invaluable assets, we will increase environmental investment and engage actively in collaborations to achieve carbon reduction, pollution reduction, greenery expansion  and  economic  growth  all  at  the  same  time,  in  order  to  make  the  city  greener.

We  will  continue  to  make  solid  gains  in  the  battle  against  pollution.  A  new three-year  action  plan  to  build  a  Beautiful   Shanghai  will  be  initiated.  We  will strengthen the prevention and control of ozone pollution, strengthen the control over diesel truck pollution, and encourage key enterprises to achieve extra reduction of nitrogen  oxide  emission.  We  will  start  to  build  26  rainwater  storage  tanks;  the construction of the Bailong Port Phase III and the parallel system of the Combined Sewer  Phase  I  will   speed  up;  Taihe   Sewage  Plant's   expansion  project  will  be completed; the investigation and remediation of unwanted sewage discharge outlets into rivers and the sea will continue; and the survey of combined sewer systems will be fully completed. We will optimize the full-cycle domestic waste sorting system, build  300  community  recycling  service  points,  and  accelerate  the  construction  of kitchen waste recycling facilities such as the Bioenergy Reuse Center Phase III, thus marching toward the goal of a waste-free city. We will implement action plans to prevent and control noise pollution. We will push forward the correction of issues  found through national-level audit on environmental protection.

We will  actively  and  steadily  promote  progress  towards  carbon  peaking  and carbon neutrality. We will promote the transition from capping the total amount and  intensity of energy consumption to capping the total amount and intensity of carbon  emissions,  speed  up  the  upgrade  of coal  power  plants to  further  improve  energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, implement deep-sea wind power projects, and install  10,000 new public charging piles for electric vehicles. We will actively promote  the  development  of  virtual  power  plants  and  work  to  reduce  the  load peak-to-valley  difference  of  the  city's  power  grid.  Two  million  square  meters  of buildings with ultra-low energy consumption will be built, and four million square meters of public buildings will be renovated to increase energy efficiency. We will support  key  industries  in  exploring  carbon  emission  accounting,  carbon  footprint certification and evaluation, and shut down 450 backward production facilities. We will actively promote green travel, the Clean Plate Campaign, and promote green and  low-carbon living. 

We will scale up efforts to build green public spaces. To further improve the  banks of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek as well as the park belt encircling the city, we will promote the opening of waterfront spaces such as the north-central section of the Yangpu Riverside and the south extension of the Xuhui Riverside along the Huangpu River, accelerate the development of the belt of eco-parks, and achieve connectivity at  17 points  on the outer ring road green belt. We will accelerate the march toward a Park City by opening the southern zone of Shanghai Expo Culture Park, building 120 new parks, getting 30 urban parks to be open 24 hours a day, and developing an additional 31,000 mu of forestland, 1,000 hectares of green spaces, 200 kilometers   of  urban   greenway,   and   400,000   square   meters   of   vertical   green landscaping.

8.  Further  enhancing  the  resilience  of  Shanghai  and  modernizing  its  urban governance. Firmly committed to the goal of building a People's City, we will drive greater  granularity  in  urban  governance  to  achieve  a  better  balance  between development and safety. In so doing, we will strive to build a new governance model  with Chinese characteristics that is suitable for a magacity like Shanghai.

We will further implement the action plan for urban renewal. We will create an innovative urban renewal model through conceptual and methodological innovation, strengthen the control of renewal costs, coordinate the use of resources,  and refine policies concerning the architect-planner-appraiser joint responsibility, land planning, standards and regulations, as well as taxation and financial matters. With regard to the renovation of old neighborhoods, dilapidated houses and remaining urban villages, we will complete the renovation and refurbishment of 120,000 square meters of scattering dilapidated houses and 310,000 square meters of weak-framed old houses in the main urban  districts,  and  start  ten  urban  village  renovation  projects.  We  will  mobilize various actors to promote the renewal of a number of old industrial zones, commercial areas, business districts, historic zones, and municipal infrastructure facilities, and  accelerate some major urban renewal projects such as the Second Façade of the Bund.

The effectiveness and efficiency of social governance will be improved. We will continue  to  empower  governments  at  the  subdistrict/town  level  and  ease  their administrative  burdens,  optimize  education  and  training  for  community  workers, strengthen the building of platforms for collaborative and participatory governance, and  improve  community  services.  We  will  leverage  the  role  of trade  unions,  the Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation and other social organizations as a bridge between our people and government, and at the same time promote the healthy growth of social organizations. We will properly handle ethnic and religious affairs. We will apply and scale up the Fengqiao Experience and Pujiang Experience in the new  era,  address  the  concerns  and  complaints  of  citizens   at  their   doorsteps, proactively  collect  their  opinions  and  suggestions,  improve  the  “ 12345”  hotline service, improve the existing conflict management mechanisms, enhance the city's  safety risk prevention and control capabilities, and thus make Shanghai a safer city.

We  will  further  refine  urban  governance.  We  will  accelerate  the  building  of  15-minute life circles, strengthen the development of embedded community service  facilities, and promote the opening and sharing of spaces within 40 affiliated spaces of government agencies, public service institutions, and corporate entities. A total of 130 kilometers  of  overhead  cables  will  be  placed  underground,  while  the  associated electricity  distribution  facilities  like  poles,  transformers,  and  cabinets  will  be renovated along the routes. We will upgrade the riverbank landscape lighting along the Suzhou Creek in the main urban area and along the elevated inner ring road, and build 100 beautiful street blocks. We will promote the implementation of the Sponge  City project and speed up efforts to revamp areas prone to flooding.

We will build a strong and solid guarantee for urban safety. Focusing on key industries, key  fields,  and  key  areas  such  as  hazardous  chemicals,  transportation, construction,  fire  prevention,  gas  supply,  special  equipment,  large  events,  and crowded places, we will take proactive and resolute actions to address the root causes of hazards in production, take concrete steps to improve preparedness for flood and typhoon, and strengthen efforts to detect and remove hidden risks. In so doing, we hope to become a model city of safe development, create national-level demonstration communities  for  comprehensive  disaster  mitigation,  and  build   150  miniature  fire stations in neighborhoods, all with the aim of fundamentally raising the safety level of the city. We will carry out special campaigns and initiatives to ensure food safety, and take further actions to consolidate achievements in drug safety. We will optimize the city's emergency response system, strengthen the reserve of emergency materials, and actively  and  steadily  advance  the  development  of  public  infrastructure  for  both  regular and emergency uses.

9. Taking further measures to substantially improve people's living conditions and life  quality. Following the principle  of safeguarding  and  improving people’s well-being  through  development,  we  will  take  more  measures  to  bring  tangible benefits  to  people,   including  the   implementation  of  34  government  projects  to  improve  people's  living  conditions,  address  their  concerns  and  needs,  especially  immediate  and  pressing  ones,  improve  their  well-being,  and  ultimately  realize  common prosperity.

We will provide better employment services and build a stronger social security system.  Priority  will  be  given  to  employment  promotion,  while  startup  support policies such as guarantee for borrowing and vocational training subsidies will be optimized. Our goal is to create more than 550,000 new urban jobs. We will provide targeted employment assistance to key groups such as recent college and university graduates  and  people  with  difficulty  in  finding  employment,  and  offer  necessary services   for   people   with   flexible   employment    arrangements.   We   will   make coordinated adjustments to the criteria and levels of livelihood security benefits such as  pensions,  medical   insurance   and  subsistence  allowances.  We  will  pay   close attention to the low-income population and offer them tiered and classified  social  assistance.

Elderly and child care services will be improved. We will optimize the network of elderly care facilities, add 4,000 beds in elderly care institutions and 30 community seniors canteens, adapt 3,000 beds to the needs of the cognitively impaired, strengthen training and incentive mechanisms for care workers, strengthen the development and application of geriatric technology and products, and take actions to empower the elderly to access and embrace advanced information technologies. We will add 3,000 daycare seats in public kindergartens and 7,000 in community childcare centers. We will optimize population-related  services,  strengthen the protection  of women and children's rights and interests, strive to become a child-friendly city, and promote the adaptation of public spaces to the needs of young kids. We will create a barrier-free environment  for  the  disabled  and  improve  disability  prevention  and  rehabilitation  services.

We will deepen the building of a Healthy Shanghai. We will expand the availability  of quality  medical  resources,  and  optimize  such  measures  as  giving  priority  to

community health centers in the allocation of tertiary hospital specialist appointments, thus  continuing  to  strengthen  the  capacity  and  capabilities  of  community  health services.  We  will  implement  pilot  projects  for  building  tight-knit  urban  medical groups. We will deepen the reform of public hospitals and advance the building of their  clinical  research  system  and  capacity.  We  will  improve  the  multi-tiered well-connected medical insurance system, deepen the reform of payment methods, and   deepen   the   reform   of   procurement   mechanisms   for   drugs   and   medical consumables. We will continue to develop effective mechanisms for the prevention and  control  of  major  infectious  diseases.  We  will  enhance  the  preservation  and accelerate the innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

We will work steadily to improve the housing conditions of citizens. Through the combination of rental and purchase, we will improve the city's affordable housing program, offer 70,000 units (rooms) of subsidized rental housing, offer 30,000 beds in the “New Era Urban Builders  and  Managers Homes”,  and build and  source  over 10,000 units of government-subsidized housing. We will install 3,000 elevators in existing multi-storey residences, and improve the long-term management mechanism for elevators installed in such buildings. Closely following the principle that “houses are for living in, not for speculation”, we will work to keep land costs, housing prices and market expectations stable, meet the rigid demand for housing and the need to improve living conditions, and maintain the steady and healthy development of the  real estate market.

Fellow deputies:

It is an excellent Chinese tradition that the army cherishes the people and the people support the army. Having a big picture in mind, we will play an active part in China's efforts  to  consolidate  and  enhance  its  integrated  national  strategic  system  and capabilities. We will strengthen the alignment of military and civilian policies and

rules,  promote  military-civilian  resource  sharing  and  two-way  demand  matching,

promote   public    education   on    national   defense,    strengthen    national   defense mobilization and defense reserve force buildup, and promote mutual support between the military and civilian sectors. In this way, we will further enhance collaboration between  the  military  and  the  government,  as  well  as  between  the  military  and  civilians.

We believe that practical work is critical. As a saying goes, actions speak louder than words. As a pioneer and forerunner, we will take bold and effective steps to overcome difficulties, break new ground, and score more substantial development results. We

will thus translate the work plans into a tangible reality!

III. Building a Better Government in All Aspects

To  fulfill  our  tasks  prioritized  for  this  year,  it  is  essential  that  the  government strengthen  its  self-improvement.  We  must  always  be  aware  of  our  mission  and responsibilities and speed up the realization of a law-abiding, innovative, clean and service-oriented government that satisfies the needs of the people. It is our hope to achieve    sustainable    and    healthy     socioeconomic    development    through     the

modernization of government governance.

1. Keeping strong political commitment and loyalty. We will firmly support and uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party  as  a  whole  and  the  guiding  role  of Xi  Jinping  Thought  on  Socialism  with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and  its  centralized  and  unified  leadership.  We  will  consolidate  and  scale  up  the achievements of theoretical study and awareness education of the Party's mission, and transform the Party's innovative theories, including Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism

with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, into a powerful force for strengthening

ideals, enhancing Party character, guiding practice, and advancing our work. We will continue  to  improve  our  political  judgment,   thinking  and  execution  capability, comprehensively and thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, and always closely follow the CPC Central Committee with

Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in thinking, stance, and action.

2. Staying steadfastly committed to reform and innovation, and making greater efforts  to  improve  government  efficiency.  We  will  complete  the  reform  of government institutions. We will harness the power of data to improve efficiency and service, promote the iterative upgrading of the online government services and online government governance portals, enrich the application scenarios of integrated office platforms, to basically form a digital government and accelerate the elimination of the digital divide. We will coordinate and push data generation, utilization and protection, work towards establishing systems and standards for data circulation and transactions, and promote  authorized  operation  of public  data. We will  establish  a  closed-loop integrated mechanism consisting of “review, approval, supervision, enforcement, and credit”  for  notification-and-commitment-based  administrative  approval,  strengthen comprehensive  supervision  in  key  areas,  and  deepen  inclusive  and  prudential supervision.  We  will  implement  across-the-board  cost  and  budget  performance management,  strengthen  the  life-cycle  management  of  government  procurement chains  and public  assets,  and  deepen  taxation  reform. We will  complete  the  fifth  economic survey with high quality.

3. Adhering  to  the  rule  of  law  and  steadily  and  comprehensively  promoting law-based government administration. We will listen more widely and carefully to the  public,  gather  people's  wisdom   and   strengths,  and  create  best  practices   of whole-process people's democracy. We will strengthen government legislation for key areas and emerging fields, and strengthen the governance of government regulations and  administrative  normative  documents.  We  will  deepen  the  implementation  of

major administrative decision-making procedures. We will work to ensure fair and

just law enforcement, improve the quality of administrative law enforcement, and  basically  form  an  administrative  law  enforcement  coordination  and  supervision  system across the municipal, district and sub-district/town levels. We will continue to  increase the transparency of government affairs, aiming to improve implementation,  service,   and   supervision   through   greater   openness.   We   will   further   enhance  government  integrity  and  improve  mechanisms   for  the  government  to  keep   its  promises  and  enhance  its trustworthiness. We will implement the newly  amended  Administrative Reconsideration Law so that administrative reconsideration will be the  main channel for resolving administrative disputes. We will accept, as required by law, the oversight of the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee, and  readily   subject   ourselves  to  the   democratic   oversight   of  Shanghai   Municipal  Committee of the CPPCC, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion.  Government auditing and statistical and financial supervision will be  strengthened  across the board. We in the government will readily accept the oversight of the law,

supervisory bodies, and the people.

4. Taking strict measures to ensure government integrity. We will strictly comply with the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving conduct, and keep up our efforts to tackle formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, with  a  particular  focus  on  the  first  two  problems.  We  must  strictly  follow  the requirement of leading a thrift life. We will continue to take firm steps to ensure that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to become corrupt. We will enhance  the prevention  and  control  of  integrity risks  in  key  spheres  such  as  the financial  sector,  SOEs,  and  infrastructure  construction  projects,  resolutely  rectify corrupt practices that harm people's interests, strengthen the development of a clean culture in the government for the new era, and push governments at all levels in

Shanghai to practice integrity and self-discipline more conscientiously.

5. Taking more solid steps to further stimulate the enterprising spirit of officials.

We will strengthen the management of civil servants, bolster professional training, and improve their creative service capabilities. We will improve the combination of incentives  and  disincentives,  support  and  encourage  those  who  take  charge,  and further foster the culture of striving for advancement and pursuit of excellence. Each and  every  one  in  the   government  must  have   a   correct  understanding   of  what excellence means for civil service, and champion the spirit that “not claiming credit but always making sure to contribute their share to the success of the cause” . We must shoulder   our  responsibilities,  meet   challenges   head-on,   and   fulfill   our   initial aspirations and missions with determination and through firm concrete actions, thus

meeting the expectations of both the Party and the people.

Fellow deputies:

The journey may be long, but as long as we keep moving forward with determination, we are surely capable of reaching our destination. Let's rally more closely around the CPC  Central  Committee  with  Comrade  Xi  Jinping  at  its  core,  and  forge  ahead together under the strong leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee to make  new  progress  in  the  "Five  Centers”  Initiative,  accelerate  the  building  of  a modern  socialist  international  metropolis  with   global   influence,  and  make  new

contributions to the great cause of Chinese modernization!